16 Trends Marketing Agencies Need To Prepare To Leverage In 2023

What matters: As a new year begins, marketers are predicting which trends will matter the most and placing their bets (and budgets) on those they believe will show the most return on investment.

This article was originally published in Forbes on January 4, 2023.

New trends impact the world of marketing every year. While some fall by the wayside, others pick up steam and evolve in different ways across different industries to become standard practices. As a new year begins, marketers are predicting which trends will matter the most and placing their bets (and budgets) on those they believe will show the most return on investment.

Below, 16 members of Forbes Agency Council share the current trends they think will turn into big opportunities for marketers in 2023. Read on to find out where they see things heading and figure out the best ways to leverage these trends and incorporate them into your own strategy.

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