In 2023, Leaders Need To Shut Up And Listen To Drive Growth

What matters: There is power in doing the work to discover mindfulness, acknowledging your flaws and biases, and actively listening to the people, data, and other sources of information and insight that can guide you, your teams, and your clients to sustained growth.

This article was originally published in Forbes on February 3, 2023.

The agency game has long been a haven for talkers: A-types, flamboyant creatives and slick PowerPoint ringmasters. For decades it seemed that talking too often trumped listening, which led to very legitimate questions about what really mattered to many industry pros: putting forward their ideas and the work they want to do, or putting forward the ideas and strategies that would deliver the greatest value, impact and growth for their client?

If you’re a C-suite executive or marketing agency leader and you want your teams to grow while also growing your business with your customers and stakeholders, here are a few things to consider:

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