Everyone Shifts - a timecraft Podcast: Bryna Corcoran on Marketing in the Golden Age of Social Media

What matters: Bryna Corcoran talks to us about Lyft’s social media strategy, connecting through culture with Pete Davidson and why ongoing education is such an integral part of leadership.

Everyone Shifts - Helping Brands Adopt New Platforms and Behaviors

Interviews with industry-leading thinkers and doers guiding and navigating shifting human behavior

Are we in the golden age of social media marketing? What have we learned from the early days of Facebook, Twitter and Google+ (gasp!)? What’s next and how do we get here? Bryna Corcoran, Head of Brand Social Media and Influencers at Lyft, takes us on a journey of how her team makes social media a success at Lyft.

Episode highlights:

Social media strategy changes every day. How does Lyft stay current? How do brands figure out what works for them in social? Why is Charlie so old?

EPISODE HIGHLIGHT: How Lyft Adapts to Social Channels + Charlie Joins the AARP

Check out the full episode on YouTube here.

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